NC Youth Summit Supported by Centralina WDB, Brings in Hundreds of Young Adults Across the State
May 01, 2017
The North Carolina Youth Summit held its 11th annual event on April 6, 2017 in Cary, North Carolina. The Centralina Workforce Development Board (WDB) played a vital role in the success of the event. Solomon McAuley, Centralina WDB NEXGEN Specialist, served as the NC Youth Summit Committee Co-Chair. Sherika Rich, Centralina WDB Services Leader served as the Summit's Marketing Chair.
The North Carolina Youth Summit is supported by North Carolina's twenty-three Workforce Development Boards. The Summits are committed to the success of young adults. Year after year, the summit provides young adults the opportunity to come together as "One Voice". During this year's summit, young adults were able to learn from one another and exchange ideas on issues relating to workforce development in North Carolina. The NC Youth Summit hosted 'Dream Builder's Communications, Inc (DBC)' as the lead keynotes throughout the two-day event. The theme of the Summit was "Making an Income and an Impact: Position Yourself for Success". Dream Builders Communication provided an intellectually stimulating environment for the young adults to network, learn, and grow together. The theme broadly covered the power of measurable goals, self-worth, and communication. Those in attendance learned strategies for understanding balance, commitment, responsibility, and maintaining success. There was also open-dialogue sessions and networking socials which allowed participants to share ideas.
The Centralina Workforce Development Board had four of their WIOA NEXGEN contracting staff and young adults in attendance. The Resource Development Center (RDC) had two individuals attendee the Summit, Union County Community Action (UCCA) had four in attendance, the Salisbury-Rowan Community Action Agency (SRCAA) had three in attendance, and the Iredell Community Action Research and Evaluation, Inc (I-CARE) had seven in attendance. A total of 16 customers attended the NC Youth Summit from the Centralina region and some were even sponsored by the Centralina Workforce Development Board.
In total, this year's Summit had 298 people in attendance. 274 were chaperones and young adults, and 24 vendors. A total of 18 local workforce boards participated, 54 organizations, and exactly 209 youth/ young adults. 44 of those in attendance were in school, 165 were out of school all ranging from the ages of 14-24 years old.
Overall, the Summit was the perfect fun-filled environment for young adults to establish frameworks to overcome the everyday challenges of life for long-term success. For more information about the 2017 NC Youth Summit or questions on how to get involved in next year's NC Youth Summit contact, Solomon McAuley at [email protected].